I love Damages!!! We tivo it, and whatched the episode last night, "She spat on me". Afterwards we talked about it for about 45 minutes. I don't want it to be over! It is soooo good!
So, yesterday was a dreary day, very fitting, but so depressing. I have to say that every year that goes by I am relieved that nothing as horrid has occured. Thank God, and God bless the USA!
On yet another note, I am following a meal plan this week. So far so good. And I ran my second mile yesterday on the treadmill. It is a huge accomplishment for me as I haven't worked out since highschool. And I was NEVER a runner!. So far I have lost 5 lbs. I am on my way. Today I am doing strength training. It is a beautiful day to also go for a walk with the kids, perhaps to the playground.
Speaking of kids, is anyone familiar with Montessouri? From what I have read it sounds fabulous!
Time to get outside, the kids are melting down!!!!