It's 12:45 AM and I just finished cleaning the INSIDE of the refridgerater! First of all, what is wrong with me, and second of all, I am discusted enough to never eat again!!!! DOGHAIR in the bottom of the INSIDE of the fridge!!!! SO GROSS! I swear one night I'm just going to die chocking on it!!!! It repulses me! Anyway...I am also wrapping the monkey's gifts for his 3rd birthday! I am psyched for the party although I have to admit his first was the best, we had a theme, we even had T-shirts made! "Do You Remember Your First?" was writted on the front, and on the back was "I had fun when______ turned one!" Obviously it was all about firsts, we had pictures with captions, it was pretty cute. For his second, we gave out gifts of photo magnets (with his face ofcourse) and a mix CD of all his favorite music" And a video showing made by my partner in my company "Moving Pictures". These were all cookouts with lots of kids and adults and music and bubbles, and balloons, ect...
This year will be a bit more low key, we are just doing cake and ice cream and a Trivia Game all about the Boy Of The Hour! That part should be fun, either the questions will be totally easy or we talk about our kids so much that people have stopped listening... We shall see. Hope y'all have a grand weekend! Come back soon, ya hear?