A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.

Monday, August 13, 2007


This photo I found on a newly discovered blog called perfectbound. Check it out! Anyway, isn't this a dreamy room for a soiree? What if the floor was painted white? It would be so ethereal! The only thing that would beat this for me would be if it were outside on a cliff by the ocean.


Anonymous said...

I had an all white wedding. White is one of personal favorites for a party, so I love this post.

jillskict said...

I LOVE that room! Okay, link to the blog, PLEASE!

Julia said...

Here's the link gals, enjoy.

perfect bound said...

Hi! So glad you found my blog. Isn't this room amazing. I'm trying to remember where I found it. Most likley theknot.com I love the combination of the industrial ceiling and the super delicate centerpieces. beautiful, huh.