Well, I was thinking the other day about my friends, some of which I've known since 3rd grade, some from school, some from work. The point being that these are people I know and know well, I know their personal histories, their families, their test scores, their pets, their crushes, their phone numbers better than my own. I lived their lives, growing up with them, going to school with them, working with them, living with them. Then we get married and life changes. I know their maiden names, I know some of them go back to school, some work corporate jobs, some are stay at home moms. Well, I am a stay at home mom, myself so I probably know more about the other SAHMs, but the other's daily lives are a mystery. Life just starts going a million miles an hour and all of a sudden, it's been a year since we've talked. What time did you wake up this morning? What did you have for breakfast? Are the kids up yet? Have you read the newspaper? Do you french kiss your husband goodbye every morning? Do you want to crawl back into bed? Do you listen to music in the car as you drive. Is it your music or your kids music? Do you workout? Are you financially secure? Do you dress your kids or do they dress themselves? How did you pick their names? Do you have fast food for lunch? Do you shop for pleasure? Do you talk to your husband during the workday? Who cooks dinner? Do you all eat together? Did you get down on the floor and play cars or blocks or dolls with your kids today. Did you clean the toilet today? Did you wash your hair today? Are you on any committees? Do you give to charity? How many "time outs" did you give today? What did you do after the kids went to bed? Did you read to them? Do you have a nanny, cleaning person, or a personal trainer? What did you do to relax today? How many times did you swear today? What are some of the little things you love? Where would you rather be right now? How many people did you talk to on the phone today? Do you like your in-laws? Did you spend more then $1000 today? Did you do everything on your "To Do" list? Are you going to have sex tonight? Did you today? Did you laugh or cry today? Did you watch TV tonight? What did you have for dinner? Are you seeing a specialist doctor? Are you on medication? When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you got drunk? Where do you shop? Do you talk politics with your husband? When was the last time you threw a party? What was the last book you read? Outside your immediate family, who do you talk to on a daily basis? Do you go to church? What was your biggest stress today? I am tired and full from eating too much chicken and bread, we didn't have a vegetable tonight. I have to take my meds, restart the laundry, check my schedule for tomorrow and go up to bed and try to read more of The Time Traveler's Wife, bookclub meets Nov 2nd. These are the things we used to know about eachother? Why not now?