My Monkey is turning 3 in two weeks.People keep asking me what he wants for his birthday... How about new chairs for the dinningroom table??? I know he would love these! Chairs from Crate and Barrel, PotteryBarn and Ballard Designs.
Seriously though, more toys just means more mess. As for ride on toys, our backyard is not very level, and I don't want him riding in the street and I don't want him to have any motorized vehicles. As for big playset things, like a kitchen setup, I know he would love it for a while, but 1. he'd probably get tired of it and 2. we don't have the room!
Does this make me a bad mom?
1 comment:
As the mother of a 3-year-old, one can only have so many toys! You're not a bad mom. I've been donating things behind his back for months. He rarely notices!
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