Healthy ways of dealing with stress:
crossword puzzles or soduko
playing with kids
I need to remember these instead of the "other" things I do to cope! I have had an eye twitch for two weeks now!!!!
A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
what do we think?

Are these totally cheesy or kinda cute??? I can not decide! Obviously, I would put a pic of each of my boys in them.
Sorry I haven't been around, I have been over on a site for dieters, called Spark People. So far it is amazing, but it is taking up all my free time. I'll try to check in at least once a week, I promise!
Friday, June 22, 2007
I'm in Love
Monday, June 18, 2007

Yes, I am in a foul mood. Why, you ask? Well I will tell you why! I hate the fact that I have to diet, I am uncomfortable in my own skin, I have to take this seriously, and I got the gym membership, which is great news, but right now all it means is that I HAVE to committ now and I am not happy about it!!!! It is going to be a long hard road and I am going to be cranky. Get used to it! Just kidding, I will try to stay as possitive as possible. Thanks to Jilly, I have just started the Spark Diet, I will fill you in later on that. In the mean time, three things that I have to do today and three things I love.
To Do:
1) pick up scripts at Wallyworld
2) call re ins. send forms
3) vacuum kitchen
3 Things I love:
1) painted floors
2) Fred & Ginger
3) Weeping Willow trees
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Style Me This...
So, we were going to go to this Gala tonight, but the poor babysitter had a seizure. I feel awful for her, but I am glad it didn't happen here! Anyway, The cool part was that this event was Creative Black Tie and the name of the event or theme was Underwater Odyssey. I came up with some thing pretty fun. I was wondering what you all could come up with. It's like a game, come on try it! I'll let you in on what McDada was going to wear... his dive suit and a tuxedo jacket with mask and snorkle, of course!!!!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Still A Computer Moron
Can someone design a header for me, I know what I want, I just can't figure out how to do it. There are people out there who do that, right? I am feeling very creative, but very stuck! Ugh, I hate being a computer moron!!! I'm sure McDada could teach me... I don't know about you but, having your own husband teach you something just doesn't ever go very well. Not to mention he doesn't have time. Maybe I should take a class, in fact that is what i am going to look up right now. In the mean time any help for a complete idiot would be great, thanx!!!
PS did I mention I never learned to type right? I use my two pointers!
PS did I mention I never learned to type right? I use my two pointers!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ah Nap Time!
The kiddos are sleeping and I would rather be outside as it is a glorious day. I haven't started excersizing YET, but I did call about the gym membership(waiting to hear back). I have been better about eating and got some good feedback about some of my stubborn ways. I don't know if I can go all the way to skim milk, is 1% ok? And I will go back to using Splenda, I used to and I guess I just got lazy. I resisted twice today going to get icecream!!!! That is a major accomplishment. I am about to have a grapefruit as a snack now. And I should drink some water. MMM, ice water with lime!!! I have been doing some surfing lately and found some great resources for cool stuff. I would like to make a banner? or header? on my page, but don't know how. I am a computer moran remember! And in other news, The Fox had his 15 month check up today, all is well. 50% for height and weight. he did have three shots though and he was such a trooper. We went and met some friends at the beach after his appointment, he slept in the car, poor guy. So, here's something weird: my fingers and toes are burning in the sun now, is that a sign of old age or is it just because I forget to put sunscreen there? I know this is a random entry, but that is my current mindset. Now please excuse me while I indulge in grapefruit and sunshine!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Going For It
OK girls, you know who you are, let's do it! E-mail me. Total disclosure
2 cups coffee with fat free cream and sugar
1 1/2 bowls of Oat squares with whole milk, we were out of 1%
Kiddie cup of coffee icecream plus the sprinkles off of the monkey's (he didn't like them!??)
3 beef Burritos & lots of seltzer water
Not exactly a great start, but I'm not snacking. I was thinking of going for a walk when McDada got home from work, yes he works all the time, but lost my motivation. SHOCKING!!! Tomorrow, I have a call to make, to a gym where my great friend, Sarah and my step mother -in-law go(everyday). They have a thing where if you babysit a couple hours a week you get a free membership. Sounds like motivation to me. McDada won't pay for a membership until I prove that I am serious, either by walking or working out on my own. He does have a point, I could easily get my butt walking when he comes home or even in the AM before he goes to work. Alas, I don't. He has even bribed me with money! I need Cortney back! She was my personal trainer way back in the day. She would drive 40 minutes to my apt 4 days a week at 6am to work out with me!!! She was an angel. That is what I need now. I need someone to kick my *ss! But, WHY can't I do it myself? Why can't I do sit ups while watching TV or stop after 1 burrito??? WHY??? OK, enough talk a little more action!! Off to do sit ups!
2 cups coffee with fat free cream and sugar
1 1/2 bowls of Oat squares with whole milk, we were out of 1%
Kiddie cup of coffee icecream plus the sprinkles off of the monkey's (he didn't like them!??)
3 beef Burritos & lots of seltzer water
Not exactly a great start, but I'm not snacking. I was thinking of going for a walk when McDada got home from work, yes he works all the time, but lost my motivation. SHOCKING!!! Tomorrow, I have a call to make, to a gym where my great friend, Sarah and my step mother -in-law go(everyday). They have a thing where if you babysit a couple hours a week you get a free membership. Sounds like motivation to me. McDada won't pay for a membership until I prove that I am serious, either by walking or working out on my own. He does have a point, I could easily get my butt walking when he comes home or even in the AM before he goes to work. Alas, I don't. He has even bribed me with money! I need Cortney back! She was my personal trainer way back in the day. She would drive 40 minutes to my apt 4 days a week at 6am to work out with me!!! She was an angel. That is what I need now. I need someone to kick my *ss! But, WHY can't I do it myself? Why can't I do sit ups while watching TV or stop after 1 burrito??? WHY??? OK, enough talk a little more action!! Off to do sit ups!
Big Night Out

Guess what we did last night???? We went to a benefit and danced to BBVD live!!! It was so great. I was shocked by the amount of people we talked to last night who hadn't seen the movie Swingers. It was an amazing movie and BBVD was feartured in it. If you don't know who BBVD is they are Big Bad Voodoo Daddy and they are an amazing swing band that appeals to ALL ages. They rock! And they rocked last night. McDada has a bum foot so he couldn't do much dancing, but he got out there with me for the slow tunes! The benefit was for High Hopes, " premier therapeutic riding center and international instructor training facility in Old Lyme, Connecticut, serving people with physical, psychological and emotional disabilities for more than a quarter of a century". An amazing program. There was an annonymous quote on a large poster photograph of a smiling child hugging the horse she was riding on, that said, "the best way to the inside of a person is the outside of a horse" Isn't that true? Horses are increadible animals...
Speaking of...Anyone see the Belmont? I missed it. But read the article in the paper and was excited for the first filly in a long time to win. You go girl!
Anyway, the couples therapy is really helping. McDada and I are not only doing more together, but communicating and not fighting as much. We had a great time last night. As we were dancing, McDada joked that he could cross off lots of things from my "I'd like to do more of list" , Charity, dinner out, and a concert all in one night! That ought to hold me ...for a while...
Friday, June 8, 2007
Biggest Innermost Secrets of my "picture Perfect life"

Here it goes...this is me, yup, I am FAT. I have gone from a 6 to a 16 since I quit drinking, drugs, cigarettes too. Oh yeah, BTW, I've been sober for 8 years. So, to sum up, I am fat AND borring!!! Just kidding, I'm NOT boring, I'm just fat. From my first chin to mid thigh has got to go! Mid thigh down is pretty nice, if I do say so myself. I just miss being in shape. I prided myself on my athletisism. I was never "skinny" nor have I had an hourglass shape, but I was happy with my flat stomach and no hips, thighs that didn't touch and big boobs. I had a pretty great bod. What the hell happened? I have got to get it back. And I am going to. With your help hopefully, I need all the support I can get. Basically I need to drop 55lbs! Let's do this thing. I owe it to myself and I want to do it for my kids. When the Monkey says, "mama, let's run!" I want to say, "ok, let's go!" not, "sorry, bud, mama's too tired to run" How pathetic! My husband has been so great, telling me he loves me and wants me just as I am, but I WANT to blow his mind, I WANT him to WANT me. I just can't seem to muster up the juice on this one. Why is this so hard. I have no excuse, none.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Beach Chic
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Worm, Worm, Go Away!

Ok, first of all, I HATE worms. When I come across them, I jump and scream like a baby. I'm sure this is pretty amusing to the occasional onlooker, but to me...NOT FUNNY. Yuk, slimmy, wiggley things! Then ofcouse there are their distant cousins...SNAKES. I would probably pass out from the fear if I ever did come across one. This is why gardening has never appealed to me. But I am an adult now(have been for quite some time) and I live in a beautiful house with what could be beautiful gardens. Time to suck it up! So, my latest achievement, the Iris beds. These are the before and after shots.
7 worms
0 snakes
1 dog poo
Not bad, eh?
Ofcourse I will have to do the whole thing over again when we actually get the mulch!
Headed to the library this am to pick up our latest book club read, The Rice Mother. Anyone read it? And I get to catch up on my magazine reading while the kids play. If it actually gets nicer we will head to the beach this afternoon. I feel my tan fading! Have a great day everyone!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Best Friends Til The End
So, where was I? Oh yes, I was trying to find a picture of my best friends, but I am so unbelievably unorganized right now that I couldn't find it, sorry. Anyway, I will describe them to you. First of all we made up a club, mind you this is third grade, we called ourselves The Bubba Frubbas. BF= best friend First there was Luba, a firey redhead, smart, adventurous, responsible, and focused. She is currently the godmother to my Monkey. She is fulfilling "our" third grade dream of becoming an Architect. Then, there is Saba. She's the one I mentioned who almost died of skin cancer. She married her high school sweetheart and has two kiddos. For a couple of summers, Saba and I partied like rockstars! Freba, godmother to my Fox, has been married the longest (to her carpenter). She is the one I can tell my deepest darkest secrets to, and she won't judge me. We live very different lifestyles but it has never come between us. I am the only one in the Bubbas who she stays in touch with. Then there is Paba, she just had her first baby, a girl. We lived together in Boston for a couple years. We also went on an amazing Spring break trip to Puerto Vallerta back in the college days. So, Luba, Saba, Freba and Paba and I all travelled in Europe together on a school trip when we were way tooo young. I think we went to 5 different countries, but we were drunk the whole time so I don't even remember. Pretty bad, but not entirely my fault, who takes a bunch of eighth graders from an all girls school on a coed trip to Europe with 70 year old chaparones and allows them to drink???? Let's just say the school deceided not to offer that trip again! Finally there is Porba, she is a bit out of touch, we talk about every other year. Last I heard she was in film school in Salt Lake City and had bought herself a house. She was always the independent one. She travelled the world by herself. Her stories are amazing. But these ladies have been a constant in my life for over twenty years. I love them like sisters. I am a very loyal friend.
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