A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Healthy ways of dealing with stress:
crossword puzzles or soduko
playing with kids

I need to remember these instead of the "other" things I do to cope! I have had an eye twitch for two weeks now!!!!


mushroommeadows said...

Stress is really, really bad, so it's good you recognize it and are trying not to stress out!

Head Hen said...

I SO hear you! I think that is my EXACT list as well. Well, substitute housework with margaritas!!

jillskict said...

I get eye twitches from stress and lack of sleep, I feel ya!

Kimba said...

:) i always check your blog at work with no sound...not able to get sound... checking at home and finally have sound...but i have iTunes playing... i hear about 10 songs right now!

Regardess...see you always make me smile!