A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I tag myself

Three things...

Three things that scare me
1) Anything bad happening to my kiddos
2) Losing my parents, brother and or friends
3) Sharks

Three people who make me laugh
1) Myself
2) My Monkey (my 21/2 year old)
3) My Fox (my 1 year old)

Three things I hate
1) Doghair!
2) Politics
3) Evil

Three things on my desk
1) Family pictures
2) Stationary
3) Skiing trophy

Three things I am doing right now
1) Blogging
2) Emailing
3) Whatching Tivo'd Oprah

Three things I want to do before I die
1) Run my own business
2) Waterski
3) Play with my grandchildren

Three things I can do
1) Sing kareokee SOBER
2) Parallel park
3) Write good thank you notes

Three things to listen to
1) Yourself
2) Your parents
3) Your children

Three things I'd like to learn
1) To sew
2) Photoshop
3) The secret to motivate to excersize

Three favorite foods
1) Bread pudding
2) Sushi
3) Grapefruit

Three shows I watched as a kid
1) Silver Spoons
2) Three's Company
3) Chip and Dale cartoons

Three things I regret
1) Not believing in myself more
2) Not graduating from College
3) Not financially supporting myself while I was single


Kimba said...

I love you had to add "sober" hehe! Good for you!!!

Julia said...

Yeah well, the thought of it was terrifying ...then I realized the whole audience was plastered, so they couldn't tell the difference!