What a day it will be...Cinco De Mayo and the Derby on the same day! I've always wanted to throw a party but it always sneaks up on me too fast. This year would've been good too; I could've decorated with hats, derbies, top hats, frilly hats, silly hats...sometimes I hate not being organized. I finally have a desk but since we decided to move my "home office" into the guestroom I have been shoving things in there,taking up every free inch, and now it is unuseable. Speaking of my "home office", I just found out today from my husband that my best friend and business partner may be moving away. I was going to shamelessly advertise my business on my blog, but now that I am unsure of it's future I think I ought to hold off. I hate being in limbo. Nice of her to tell me, huh? Well at least I have some fun events coming up. Incase you couldn't tell, all of the paintings I've posted are done by none other than John Gwinn, yes, the same John Gwinn who is having a show in NYC next week!!!! Please visit the website for more info.www.johngwinn.com. If any of you can make it to the opening Thursday the 3rd, I will be there. I think I am wearing my TS Dixon black and pink tunic with black pants. That reminds me I need to get a sitter!!!! OK, I am starting to lose focus now so i think I should get some sleep. Bon nuit!
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