A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Five Words

I am following instructions from Ms Landcruiser and given five friends a homework assignment. They each must describe me in ONE word! All words are in...


The other words I got were: Fabulous, Witty and Multitalented!

Thank you to my wonderful friends.
Back when I was single I used to think of myself as "32 flavors"
Now, I'm not sure. I am a good mom, a horrible wife, and a great friend. Those are just the facts.
I still have a wild side, it's just that there are so few appropriate situations in which to unleash it. Besides, after having two kids, my wild side isn't as sexy as it used to be. But I am working on it. Ok I have to go to bed, I am exhausted!


CBM said...

J., welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! I look forward to reading (and I definitely like anything that sounds like J.Crew)!

dmmlandcruiser said...

Great Job! It sounds like you are a good person to be around!