I'm for that, got my rubber sandals, got my straw hat, got my cold beer, I'm just glad that it's here!" - James Taylor
Such a great song! That says it, huh? So, my weekend was quiet but nice, lots of BBQ!!! And even some beach time!!! I have a nice tan on my upper half. I even started my seaglass collection. I still haven't found that elusive cobolt blue piece yet. It makes my day when I find one! So, back to what I was saying, my legs don't seem to get tan anymore, why is that? Is it cause I'm not lying out like I used to? I am too busy running around with the kids or mowing or weeding. Ever since one of my childhood friends got skin cancer and almost died, I just can't justify "lying out" Isn't it crazy how things used to be? Growing up I hosted many parties durring the summers. We would drink all night and pass out by the pool and not move from there all day, we'd litterally just bake in the sun. We even used cooking oil!!! Wow! But that is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to irresponsible behavior on my part (growing up). Don't worry, that is on my list!!! I feel like Earl, from MY Name Is Earl, telling you about my "list". As for #5 on my list...
#5 I am Episcapalian but only go to church on special occasions
I pretty much covered that issue on one of my last posts. So I will move on to #6, but need to dig out a pic to do it justice. I'll be back....
A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Color me happy

Oh how I love the stationary!!!! Boatman Gellar rocks. I do need more I do, I do. I don't know how to measure the amount I already own, but I can tell you it is a lot! But I do write many letters because I love to brighten peoples day when they go to the mailbox, I know it makes my day when I recieve a letter. And for the most part I save them all.
So, I thought I'd talk a bit about color. My favorite color is green, I love all shades of green for different things. The walls of my livingroom are an olive green. I love wearing kelly green. I think it looks good on me because I have a lot of red in my hair. And my favorite classic car color is forest green-very classy. As for color combos, my favs are: pink & green, pink & orange, blue and brown, and hot pink & light pink. What are your favorite color combos?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Clothes Shopping
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Sunday, Sunday
Well, another Sunday has come and gone and I did not make it to Church. I've been wanting to go for the past two years actually, but can't seem to get there. Anyway, that is my segway into interesting fact...
#4 I sang in the church coir when I was young.
My best friend and I were probably in 4th or 5th grade when we were both confirmed in the Episcipal Church and sang together in the choir. I don't think what we did was actual singing, mostly it was gigling and peeing in our pants (or choir robes). We had too much fun. She is now the godmother of my older son. Anyway, religion is a tough one. I believe in God and Heaven and that is pretty much all. I have a hard time hearing people tell me what to believe and how to go about it. I am fine doing things my wasy, but a tiny bit of me gets caught up in the point that maybe doing it my way is selfish and the point of believing in something else is to not be so selfish??????? Does that make any sense????
Alrighty then, on to a much lighter subject... Why doesn't Melly M do pants in their great prints? My bottom half is smaller then my top half so I like to wear solids on top and prints on bottom. How do I find new designers? Please forgive me for saying this, but I am bored with Lilly. I adore them and they are classics and I will always own and wear them but give me something new to be excited about!!! Who's with me???? Anyone??
#4 I sang in the church coir when I was young.
My best friend and I were probably in 4th or 5th grade when we were both confirmed in the Episcipal Church and sang together in the choir. I don't think what we did was actual singing, mostly it was gigling and peeing in our pants (or choir robes). We had too much fun. She is now the godmother of my older son. Anyway, religion is a tough one. I believe in God and Heaven and that is pretty much all. I have a hard time hearing people tell me what to believe and how to go about it. I am fine doing things my wasy, but a tiny bit of me gets caught up in the point that maybe doing it my way is selfish and the point of believing in something else is to not be so selfish??????? Does that make any sense????
Alrighty then, on to a much lighter subject... Why doesn't Melly M do pants in their great prints? My bottom half is smaller then my top half so I like to wear solids on top and prints on bottom. How do I find new designers? Please forgive me for saying this, but I am bored with Lilly. I adore them and they are classics and I will always own and wear them but give me something new to be excited about!!! Who's with me???? Anyone??
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Who wears the pants?

Friday, May 25, 2007
What a bunch of Skirts!
Oh Brother
3. I have an older brother
Yes, just me and my older bro. He is three years older and was adopted too. Growing up, he was pretty awful to me, typical older brother stuff. I was always tagging around cause he was so cool. He still is cool, and smart and handsome and hardworking and a great father. He is married with three kids. We went to the same boarding school, he was a senior when I was a freshman. He was very protective of me, but very popular which helped me out as a new girl. So, that is yet another exciting fact about me.
Yes, just me and my older bro. He is three years older and was adopted too. Growing up, he was pretty awful to me, typical older brother stuff. I was always tagging around cause he was so cool. He still is cool, and smart and handsome and hardworking and a great father. He is married with three kids. We went to the same boarding school, he was a senior when I was a freshman. He was very protective of me, but very popular which helped me out as a new girl. So, that is yet another exciting fact about me.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
More info you don't need
2. My parents are still married
I mention this because it is so rare these days. I can't imagine growing up in a split family. I feel for the people who have. McDada's parents are divorced and it just makes things complicated, especially on the holidays. It is also awful if the marriage did not end amicably. McDada is divorced as well. His ex-wife lives in our town. People think this is weird and must be awful for me. It is NOT. Of course I was nervous to meet her, but when I did I saw that she was great. As McDada says, "of course she is, I did marry her once upon a time" And he's right, I have no reason to feel jealous or threatened. They were married once, just turns out they weren't right for eachother. I am the one for him, that is all I need to remember.
I mention this because it is so rare these days. I can't imagine growing up in a split family. I feel for the people who have. McDada's parents are divorced and it just makes things complicated, especially on the holidays. It is also awful if the marriage did not end amicably. McDada is divorced as well. His ex-wife lives in our town. People think this is weird and must be awful for me. It is NOT. Of course I was nervous to meet her, but when I did I saw that she was great. As McDada says, "of course she is, I did marry her once upon a time" And he's right, I have no reason to feel jealous or threatened. They were married once, just turns out they weren't right for eachother. I am the one for him, that is all I need to remember.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I'm back...
OK, so here is my new idea, I am going to discuss my 100 things about moi. So, without further ado.
1. I was adopted as a baby
I was adopted from an organization in Evanston, Ill, called The Cradle. Apparently, it is where all of Bob Hopes children were adopted from. I think that all adopted children are left with a "something's missing" feeling deep down inside whether they choose to address it or not. Personally, I feel lucky. I was adopted by two amazing human beings and was blessed with an older brother, also adopted. I feel as if I am where I was meant to be, in terms of family. Growing up, when I would tell my friends, they wouldn't believe me because they said that we all looked alike. The agency does a good job matching, I guess. Of course I always wished I did have the slenderness that runs in my Dad's family and the good looks that run in my mom's. My grandmother was on the cover of Redbook, and my grandfather is the most dashing man I have ever laid my eyes on. I'll have to look for a good pic and post it later. The problem with being adopted is not knowing your own history. A long while ago, when i was struggling with life, I wrote the agency and asked about my background. What I learned was very interesting. The story is a bit like Romeo and Juliett, ie: catholic and protestant scots madley in love against the odds... Anyway My birthmother was a partime butcher, part time bartender, and my birthfather was a painter and decorator. There is decorating in my blood!!!! Speaking of blood, a very cool thought is that when my first child, The Monkey, was born, he was the only blood relative I knew!!!
Who knows, maybe thats why I have always felt so strongly about having children. OK, now it is time for this little chick to get to bed!!!!
1. I was adopted as a baby
I was adopted from an organization in Evanston, Ill, called The Cradle. Apparently, it is where all of Bob Hopes children were adopted from. I think that all adopted children are left with a "something's missing" feeling deep down inside whether they choose to address it or not. Personally, I feel lucky. I was adopted by two amazing human beings and was blessed with an older brother, also adopted. I feel as if I am where I was meant to be, in terms of family. Growing up, when I would tell my friends, they wouldn't believe me because they said that we all looked alike. The agency does a good job matching, I guess. Of course I always wished I did have the slenderness that runs in my Dad's family and the good looks that run in my mom's. My grandmother was on the cover of Redbook, and my grandfather is the most dashing man I have ever laid my eyes on. I'll have to look for a good pic and post it later. The problem with being adopted is not knowing your own history. A long while ago, when i was struggling with life, I wrote the agency and asked about my background. What I learned was very interesting. The story is a bit like Romeo and Juliett, ie: catholic and protestant scots madley in love against the odds... Anyway My birthmother was a partime butcher, part time bartender, and my birthfather was a painter and decorator. There is decorating in my blood!!!! Speaking of blood, a very cool thought is that when my first child, The Monkey, was born, he was the only blood relative I knew!!!
Who knows, maybe thats why I have always felt so strongly about having children. OK, now it is time for this little chick to get to bed!!!!
Hello again
Ok, I am back. So sorry I never finished "fashion week", I will finish it tomorow. Of course I had a great idea for today that I have already forgotten!!! WTF??? Is it age or mommy-brain??? Whatever, it just stinks! I am just going to write until I remember it. Does anyone else suffer from allergies? Mine are from the pollen, or as McDada puts it, " the trees having sex " Those horny bastards are making me miserable!! Itchy throat, eyes, and sniffles. OK well, i am going to have to continue this later, my Monkey needs assistance. I promise to be back. Please stay posted.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Hump Day cont.

Here we have: Anthropology, Joyous and Free, Laundry, and Juicy Couture.
Now on to the laughs....
Quote from McDada on his 36th birthday: While kissing the head of his beautiful wife, (me) he looked down and exclaimed, "Oh my God, I am getting old, my wife has grey hair!!!"
Quote from the Monkey durring a diaper change, "Mama, I has a booboo up my butt!" Now, just so you understand, 1. he will be 3 in August 2. We don't say "butt" in our house, we say "bum, bummy, or bumski. (We do say penis though) 3. There was nothing "up his butt", it was a bug bite on the cheek of his bumski!
Happy Hump Day from J's Crew!
Hump Day
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Top Tuesday
Monday, May 14, 2007
Fashion Week
I have decided to show my picks from head to toe all week.
Monday = Shoes
Tuesday = Bottoms
Wednesday = Dresses
Thursday = Tops
Friday = Accesories
Monday = Shoes
Tuesday = Bottoms
Wednesday = Dresses
Thursday = Tops
Friday = Accesories
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Here is something funny about McDada:
When he gets me a gift for a holiday, and it comes early...He CAN'T wait to give it to me.
It is cute that he is excited, but...
1. There is no wrapping, no card
2. When the actual holiday comes, there is no gift, no hoopla.
Do I sound ungrateful? I'm not!!! McDada is VERY generous. But sometimes, I would like the thought and not the gift. Does that make any sense? I have told him this over and over, but he just can't help himself I guess.
So, that said, Tuesday I recieved my big gift, a Nikon D40. It is great so far, it shoots very fast, which you need when photographing kiddos! Wed, another gift came from Shutterfly, I chose not to open it although he wanted me too. So it sat in the livingroom on a chair until this morning when he said if you open it now, I'll be forced to get you something else for tomorrow. Very Compelling Argument!
It was a photobook of the boys, sooooooo adorable! I will post some of my fav pics from the book later.
PS tomorrow is also my M-I-L's birthday and the next day is McDada's birthday.
Pics coming later....
When he gets me a gift for a holiday, and it comes early...He CAN'T wait to give it to me.
It is cute that he is excited, but...
1. There is no wrapping, no card
2. When the actual holiday comes, there is no gift, no hoopla.
Do I sound ungrateful? I'm not!!! McDada is VERY generous. But sometimes, I would like the thought and not the gift. Does that make any sense? I have told him this over and over, but he just can't help himself I guess.
So, that said, Tuesday I recieved my big gift, a Nikon D40. It is great so far, it shoots very fast, which you need when photographing kiddos! Wed, another gift came from Shutterfly, I chose not to open it although he wanted me too. So it sat in the livingroom on a chair until this morning when he said if you open it now, I'll be forced to get you something else for tomorrow. Very Compelling Argument!
It was a photobook of the boys, sooooooo adorable! I will post some of my fav pics from the book later.
PS tomorrow is also my M-I-L's birthday and the next day is McDada's birthday.
Pics coming later....
Thursday, May 10, 2007
A New Attitude
Yup, I just read CBM's post over on All That's Pink and Green and Inbetween, and I would like to jot down five things for me to be happy about today.
1. I took a two hour nap today
2. My boys are so happy and smart and cute (& well dressed: Monkey is wearing nantucket red shorts and a bright blue polo, Fox is wearing a green check short sleeve oxford and worn jeans)
3. I had a coffee milkshake for lunch.
4. It is a GORGEOUS day
5. I just took some pictures with my Mother's Day gift (Nikon D40)
I feel so much better now! Thanks CBM!
1. I took a two hour nap today
2. My boys are so happy and smart and cute (& well dressed: Monkey is wearing nantucket red shorts and a bright blue polo, Fox is wearing a green check short sleeve oxford and worn jeans)
3. I had a coffee milkshake for lunch.
4. It is a GORGEOUS day
5. I just took some pictures with my Mother's Day gift (Nikon D40)
I feel so much better now! Thanks CBM!
New Day
Things to do today:
1. Correspondence (thank yous, mothers day cards)
2. Laundry
3. Change bed sheets on all beds
4. Post office
5. Bring in trash can
6. Vacuum again and again and again...
OK, so I have two BIG Chesapeak Bay Retrievers, I love them, I really do, but I look forward to a day when I only have to vacuum once a day. I do love them, but they make my life very challenging. They beg for people food, to the point where if you take your eye off them they will take something right out of your hand or off your plate, not good for kiddos, lots of tears. Then there is the barking...shut up already!!! Then there is the basic always in your (MY) way. Then there are the three "D's" Dirt, Drool and Dog hair!!! My house will never be clean. Ugh!
1. Correspondence (thank yous, mothers day cards)
2. Laundry
3. Change bed sheets on all beds
4. Post office
5. Bring in trash can
6. Vacuum again and again and again...
OK, so I have two BIG Chesapeak Bay Retrievers, I love them, I really do, but I look forward to a day when I only have to vacuum once a day. I do love them, but they make my life very challenging. They beg for people food, to the point where if you take your eye off them they will take something right out of your hand or off your plate, not good for kiddos, lots of tears. Then there is the barking...shut up already!!! Then there is the basic always in your (MY) way. Then there are the three "D's" Dirt, Drool and Dog hair!!! My house will never be clean. Ugh!
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Still Overwhelmed
Just returned from a nightmare trip to the grocery store!!! I hate myself for losing patience with my kids! But having the Monkey run wild in the store just isn't safe! And the Fox is in the front of the cart and if the Monkey was in the body of the cart there wouldn't be room for any food!!!! And the carts with the little cars attached, are impossible to manoever and don't fit through any of the checkout lanes! Plus they know how to get in and out, not the Fox, but the Monkey can unbuckle faster then you can say Animal Cracker. Anyway, we are home now and the Fox is sleeping on the sofa, dog #1 is sleeping on the sofa too, dog #2 is begging at the door, and the Monkey is on the swingset asking to be pushed. Oh yeah, somewhere in the grocery store there is an opened bag of pretzels that was half eaten and never paid for, oops. Seriously, this bothers me, but I had to get home before I realy freaked out! So, I did get the dishes done but haven't put away the clean ones yet. The laundry is a mess, half done and none folded with really irks me. The kitchen floor needs to be washed, as well as the whole house vacuumed, the cat litter has to be changed, the lawn needs to be watered, the flowers need to be watered, The books put back on the shelf, toys put away, ect.. But it is a beautiful day and I do not want to spend it inside cleaning. By the way, I think I was supposed to work today, but my other friend who is friends with my partner suggested going to the beach, now when I saw my partner last night she said nothing about the beach nor work...so, screw it, I am so done with that business! That is a whole other saga! Too much to get into now, Monkey NEEDS another push!!!! I'll be back for part three later!!!
I hate feeling this way. The Fox is whinning for my attention and I just want a few minutes of peace to sort out my thoughts. Is that awful??
I had a great night of talking with McDada last night
(The Fox is dumping the dog water over right now and I don't care...I do care but just want to have some ME time)
As I was saying, we had therapy last night then had a good conversation, without turning on the tv all night, and of course that led to "more" because nothing turns me on more then feeling connected and understood.
More later, Fox is crying now....
I had a great night of talking with McDada last night
(The Fox is dumping the dog water over right now and I don't care...I do care but just want to have some ME time)
As I was saying, we had therapy last night then had a good conversation, without turning on the tv all night, and of course that led to "more" because nothing turns me on more then feeling connected and understood.
More later, Fox is crying now....
Saturday, May 5, 2007

First of all, I want this coral bag from Snappy Turtle!!! I love coral!!!
Now onto my trip. I went to the Big Apple on Thursday with my Step Mother-in-law. We took the train from New Haven into Grand Central. I love Grand Central, it's like a small city itself! Then on our way to the Sheraton, we stopped at Daffy's, I'd never heard of it, but what a place, I got an adorable plaid skirt for... $9 ! Can you believe it? I am wearing it now! I actually wore it out to dinner last night too!!! Anyway, the opening was interesting. Not what I expected, not well thought out at all. The paintings of course were amazing but, an art show opening at an art gallery in NYC with paintings priced between 20-$25,000...there was no champagne, no flowers, just fruit in plastic containers from a supermarket and donut holes from dunkin donuts, a few bottles of wine, diet coke and 7-up...What the F*ck???? The crowd was interesting and fun though, and loved the art. After the opening a group of us went out to the BEST mexican restaurant. The food was excelent and we just had a ball!!! After dinner we were going to go to a club to go Salsa dancing, but we were too tired, so we just had a walk around Times Square then went to bed. I slept so well. I felt so free. Of course the next morning we had a nice breakfast in the VIP room at the Hotel then took the train home. It is so nice to get away from time to time. I am glad I went.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Picture Perfect Life - Secret #1
I've been doing this blog for a while now and I am ready to reveal the first secret of my "picture perfect life". McDada and I are in couples counseling. Things were pretty bad for a while and of course I suggested or should I say softly demanded that we do this. We've gone twice already, last night being the second meeting, and it went VERY well. I achieved my goal for last week, which was to not blow up at McDada. I have been blowing up on a regular basis, I'm afraid to say. If McDada happened to point out something that I had forgotten to do or done the wrong way, I took it as personal criticism and as McDada says would go from "0 to Bitch in 6 seconds". So, it was my goal not to react that way, I suceeded for the week and must keep it up, but it took a lot of effort! We have more goals for this week. One is to compliment each other and make sure the person "hears" it, and the second thing is to do something that I view as romantic. Now let me assure you this is not hard to achieve. This does not require a lot of time or effort, or even money, just thoughtfulness. A simple stroll on the beach. Dinner with candlelight and music, even if the dinner is a TV dinner as long as it's not eaten in front of the TV. Even a family, as in us and the kiddos, dancing together in the livingroom.
Easy, right?
You know, I have heard that if you can make it through the first three years of having kids, then you know you will make it. I don't know about that, maybe that applies if your kids are difficult, luckily my kids are not so difficult. And McDada, to his credit is very good at giving me my time out with the girls. I have bookclub once a month, and occasional movie nights, and various events, baby showers, bridal showers, ect where children aren't included and McDada will often change his work schedule to let me go, sometimes even for the weekend. And in the past he would take over when I had to work on my business.
So, hopefully the counseling will help us.
Now you know that even though things look perfect they are often...NOT.
Easy, right?
You know, I have heard that if you can make it through the first three years of having kids, then you know you will make it. I don't know about that, maybe that applies if your kids are difficult, luckily my kids are not so difficult. And McDada, to his credit is very good at giving me my time out with the girls. I have bookclub once a month, and occasional movie nights, and various events, baby showers, bridal showers, ect where children aren't included and McDada will often change his work schedule to let me go, sometimes even for the weekend. And in the past he would take over when I had to work on my business.
So, hopefully the counseling will help us.
Now you know that even though things look perfect they are often...NOT.
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