A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More info you don't need

2. My parents are still married
I mention this because it is so rare these days. I can't imagine growing up in a split family. I feel for the people who have. McDada's parents are divorced and it just makes things complicated, especially on the holidays. It is also awful if the marriage did not end amicably. McDada is divorced as well. His ex-wife lives in our town. People think this is weird and must be awful for me. It is NOT. Of course I was nervous to meet her, but when I did I saw that she was great. As McDada says, "of course she is, I did marry her once upon a time" And he's right, I have no reason to feel jealous or threatened. They were married once, just turns out they weren't right for eachother. I am the one for him, that is all I need to remember.

1 comment:

jillskict said...

Very good outlook to have, I like it!