A classic preppy mom sharing the innermost secrets of my "picture perfect" life.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm back...

OK, so here is my new idea, I am going to discuss my 100 things about moi. So, without further ado.
1. I was adopted as a baby
I was adopted from an organization in Evanston, Ill, called The Cradle. Apparently, it is where all of Bob Hopes children were adopted from. I think that all adopted children are left with a "something's missing" feeling deep down inside whether they choose to address it or not. Personally, I feel lucky. I was adopted by two amazing human beings and was blessed with an older brother, also adopted. I feel as if I am where I was meant to be, in terms of family. Growing up, when I would tell my friends, they wouldn't believe me because they said that we all looked alike. The agency does a good job matching, I guess. Of course I always wished I did have the slenderness that runs in my Dad's family and the good looks that run in my mom's. My grandmother was on the cover of Redbook, and my grandfather is the most dashing man I have ever laid my eyes on. I'll have to look for a good pic and post it later. The problem with being adopted is not knowing your own history. A long while ago, when i was struggling with life, I wrote the agency and asked about my background. What I learned was very interesting. The story is a bit like Romeo and Juliett, ie: catholic and protestant scots madley in love against the odds... Anyway My birthmother was a partime butcher, part time bartender, and my birthfather was a painter and decorator. There is decorating in my blood!!!! Speaking of blood, a very cool thought is that when my first child, The Monkey, was born, he was the only blood relative I knew!!!
Who knows, maybe thats why I have always felt so strongly about having children. OK, now it is time for this little chick to get to bed!!!!


CBM said...

So interesting, J.! Thanks for sharing.

Julia said...

Thanks for reading.

jillskict said...

Pretty cool. I love your outlook on things! We were talking about the whole being adopted thing just this morning because of Sheryl Crow. I think that you are lucky to be adopted and that you are also special because you were chosen. Just think, someone PICKED YOU!

DebbieDo said...

Thanks for posting this. B and I are coming to a crossroads about either adopting or going further down the fertility treatment path. It is really helpful to here your side.

I can tell you from the other side that you have made your parents so unbelieveably happy. They are so lucky to have you and your brother.

CG said...

What a neat story. When I was little, my cousin was the only one that I knew that was adopted and now all of my friends have adopted children. There are alot of neat adoption stories out there.